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Leaders-for-a-Day 2015

13 - 14 October 2015 Location: Brussels, Belgium

Leaders-for-a-Day invites young graduates of entrepreneurship programmes from across Europe to learn from a leader by shadowing them for a day. The aim is to empower young people to make informed career choices, enlarge their network and expand their career opportunities.

This experience inspires young people to be entrepreneurial, develops essential skills that make them valuable assets and helps them transition from school to the world of work.

Dedicated to better preparing young people for the labour market, Leaders-for-a-Day engages them in a comprehensive real-life work experience to:

  • Demonstrate the connection between education and successful careers.
  • Introduce young people to the demands of the labour market and help them to build skills needed for success in the 21st century workplace.
  • Encourage mentoring between young people and experienced professionals; help expand their network and better position themselves for entering the labour market.
  • Inspire a shared responsibility across all sectors for the development of a skilled, adaptable, and successful workforce that actively contributes to a dynamic and competitive economy.

JA Alumni who have completed the Company Programme and obtained an Entrepreneurial Skills Pass (ESP) certification (a joint-initiative with CSR Europe) will be selected to join the Leaders-for-a-Day. Each selected participant will shadow a leader for one working day.





Initiative features:

  • 40 young leaders (JA alumni) and 40 leaders
  • Diverse organisations, incl. international corporations, SMEs and EU institutions
  • Video interviews, photos of the experience and a blog will be shared online
  • Leaders-for-a-Day Webinar (pre-event activity for the young people)
  • Leaders-for-a-Day Celebration Cocktail hosted by the British Chamber of Commerce in Belgium on 14 October 2015

If you are interested to join the initiative please contact Elena Tosheva at JA Europe.

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